Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wordless Wednesday!

I haven't blogged much, I think I still need to get used to documenting my thoughts rather than just thinking them and letting them float away eventually x_x.

Wordless Wednesday is a great and easy place to start, no? (after I made this post I realized that it was impossible for me not to add any captions, so disregard the whole "Wordless" claim)


 I found this little guy tugging at a piece of cloth that was laying in our yard. He was trying so hard to stuff it all in his mouth and take it with him (to make a nest maybe?)

 The poor guy tugged for like, 5 minutes, until he let it all go and gave up. I felt bad xD

 This is Kaylee's first real picture, at least as far as I know. I didn't believe it until I came home and she drew another one for me, but she drew the whale all by herself! It has a flipper, a mouth, a tail and an eye. She's only 3 and a half =o

 Our Halloween pumpkin (kaylee had free range on this thing, if you can't tell) We decided to go the less messy route and get stick-in plastic things with stickers

 Kaylee looooooves wearing my motorcycle helmet. 

 Our little captain hook xD. Gotta love the dollar store. First thing she said when she put it all on was "Arrrg me hearties!"

 Cami's own stew. She makes it every other week or so, and she's gotten really good at it. It's her best dish :)

 A space ship I made from random lego pieces in Kaylee's collection xD. It's got rocket jet thingies, a propeller, a claw bendy thing, and a seat and a steering wheel! Oh, and a side mounted cannon (old school style, think ship cannon, oh yea, that's how we roll in space)

Kaylee doing epic pushups, beefing up for her weightlifting competitions.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy Carl Sagan Day!

It's not a holiday most people recognize...but it has its own little cubby hole in some people's lives. For those that don't know who Carl Sagan is, he's a famous Astrophysicist from the land of wonder and intrigue, of infinity and beyond, of alpha and omega. It's the kind of thing that, whenever I think about it, always makes me day dream, and completely pulls me out of the present. I guess I'll just stop blabbering and post one of his most famous quotes:

This quote comes from the book that Carl Sagan wrote called "The Pale Blue Dot". The book was inspired by this picture, which was taken by Voyager 1 at 3.7 billion miles away at the request of Carl. The man requested NASA take a picture for him,  and he got it. The thing that makes this quote so special is that it was completely off the cuff. This guy ate, slept, and lived in the astrophysical. It amazes me that his brain didn't implode from the sheer size of imagination needed to understand all of this. 

Did you know that most of the light we see in space at night is in the past? Our universe is so unfathomably ginormous that light cannot travel fast enough to reach us in time. We have discovered galaxies from the beginning of existence, the Big Bang, that are 13.1 BILLION light years away, meaning light takes 13.1 billion years to travel from it, to us. Those galaxies are likely not even there anymore, but since space is a vacuum and light can travel forever, we get to get a glimpse of time travel (which better be commercially available in a few decades or so). 

He was definitely a genius in his own way, and I personally wish he was still around. Watching some of his videos puts me in awe. Here's to you Carl!

Also, before I go, I'd like to thank Be Creative Mommy for nominating me for The Liebster award already! I'll have to do the full acceptance process later though. Who knew that so soon in my blogging career I'd be getting awards? I guess it helps to have a certain popular Crazy Mama advertising for you :)